Ask about the Ledgers Affinity Program and you could save an additional 5%.
Ask about the Ledgers Affinity Program and you could save an additional 5%.
Life happens, and unfortunately, so do accidents. When your life changes due to an unexpected event, how will you meet your financial obligations?
What would you do if you could no longer work and support your family?
A small investment today, could protect you and your family in the event you are a victim of an unexpected event.
With affordable disability insurance and comprehensive critical illness policies, you can rest assured you will be able to satisfy your financial obligations should the unexpected happen.
Nearly 45% of men and 43% of women in Canada are expected to develop cancer during their lifetime. About 1 out of 4 Canadians are expected to die from cancer.
What would you do if you were afflicted with a serious, life-threatening illness?
How would you meet your financial obligations?
Critical Illness insurance is not an expense, it is an investment in your peace of mind.
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